Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Un-Matched Act of BongBrothers

You rebuked them, You called them names, You morphed their thoughts but...

You never believed that the depths of the oceans are inspired by the infinite depth of BongBrother's heart.

You never believed that the vastness of the universe is nothing in comparison to the vastness of the imagination of the BongBrother's mind.

You never believed that the love BongBrothers have for you all transcendent all the limits of time and space

And you even did not believe that theory of relativity is just so helpless to measure acumen of the act of BongBrothers.

In the light of the assignments this month they are doing this just for you all....

13th Aug - Literature review, Brand Management (10 Pages)
15th Aug - Economics Assignment (10 + 10 pages + Presentation)
18th Aug - Micro + Macro Economics Test
20th Aug - Final Internship Report (Pages Undefined)
29th Aug - Consumer Behavior Assignment (Again Pages Undefined)










As per Mathew Sir - This "Sadhana" is the most well kept secrets by all the holy text of all kind of religion and civilization. Traces had been found where this was used by students of the olden times to overcome the pressure borne by the entire student community when they were stressed out because of assignments.

Finally History repeats itself

P.S. - Did you observe that one of the BongBro is wearing his t-shirt the other way round. This is an important thing to get all of it right (example of a well done research)

P.P.S. - {Nothing to be said here}

P.P.P.S - BongBrothers were not allowed to speak during this ritual (and even after that), so we have no idea what to call this. Kindly suggest.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BongBrothers want you to warm up before the Communication theories class

This is not something which BongBrothers just somehow stumbled upon as if they were aimlessly going through some songs from the days of yore because they had nothing better to do at 11o’clock at night but it is a result of their well designed and methodically done research.

In their rather skewed, disjointed and perverted perception of the subject they find it very relevant.

Please watch this video and just for a disclaimer they would like to say that “ its NOT exactly our concept of liberal movie making in the past and we don’t find anything wrong in it.”

Please go through it.................. all of it !!!!

Here’s the link - - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jdvjvy-rI8

PS:-And NO this is NOT for music lovers and just listening to it would not be enough.

PPS:- If someone has nothing to say other than ‘MEN’ please try not to Comment... :)

PPPS: -Please don't kill us

Friday, July 30, 2010

What did BongBrothers sing when .... they lost their friends who are girls

Once upon a time (and we definitely don't want to mean today, 29th June, year of 2010) BongBrothers were very hungry. They finally found two friends, who were girls, who could be given the privilege to accompany them to the Mess.

Now what happened during the table conversation does not matter. What matters is when they were coming back they realized they forgot them back in the mess. So as soon as this realization struck them they burst into singing....Guess what????

Not that difficult you see!!!

Chhoood aaaayyeeeee huuummmmmmmm wooo laadkiyaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn

Chhoood aaaayyeeeee huuummmmmmmm wooo laadkiyaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn

Proposed aftermath of the gesture.....

They might get killed.... anytime

Learning - Your art work can sometimes get you killed.

We just forgot that our password was heightsofstupidity

Finally we changed it to... Naaaahhhhhh!!!!! we not that stupid .... ... :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Entrepreneurial approach to Finance exam

Situation - People staring at the question paper trying to unfold the mystery of numbers. Few of them out of bravery held the pen and almost thinking to write something. Two of them in the entire class have written the question number on the answer sheet. 2 minutes of the exam is already over.

Bong Brothers proudly get up from their seat and walk towards the invigilator and hand him/her the answer sheet.

Five year hence -

Bong brothers are doing well in their business and the secret lies in the two minutes of the finance exam.

The secret is to be revealed today - What did the bong brothers write in that paper?

The Finance Paper has been excavated from the historical piles of papers; and this is what was found written there -

Hey Sir - I really love your financial concepts - Would you work for me in my business - Consider yourself hired.

Lesson Learnt - Seedhi si baat hai - Get a life and do what you can really do. For the rest consider others who can do it...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brand Evolution Example

Bong Brothers wanted to smoke and this happened -

BongBros to a Non-Smoker - Get me a pack of ultra milds dude
Non Smoker - What Ultra Milds?

Bong Bros- Wills Ultra Milds
Non Smoker - Which Wills Ultra Milds ?

BongBros - Wills Classic Ultra Milds!!!!!
Non Smoker - Wills Classic Ultra Milds?

BongBros - WDHO Wills Classic Ultra Milds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Non Smoker - Ummmmmmmmm?

BongBros - ITC WDHO Wills Classic Ultra Milds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Non Smoker - !@#$%^&*() I will try to get it

Lesson Learnt : Dekho Bhaiya Wills was bought by ITC which belonged to WDHO group and has this brand of classic cigarettes which has the sub brand - Ultra Milds ... Dubara Maaattt Puchnaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. :-/

Philosophy on entities

Female entity -

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah...Fuss Fuss Fuss Fuss

Bong Brothers Philosophy -

Babes!!!!!!!........Just Chiiillllllllllll..........

Male Entities

Gurr Gurr Gurr Gurr Gurr Gurr... Wuff Wuff Wuff Wuff

Bong Brothers Philosophy -

Dude!!!!!!!!!........ Reallyyyyyyyyyyyy..........

Brothers in Doubt

Bong Brother's doubt:

Dude...why does the sex parts are the excreting organs...?
Did God make them?....We don't know