Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Un-Matched Act of BongBrothers

You rebuked them, You called them names, You morphed their thoughts but...

You never believed that the depths of the oceans are inspired by the infinite depth of BongBrother's heart.

You never believed that the vastness of the universe is nothing in comparison to the vastness of the imagination of the BongBrother's mind.

You never believed that the love BongBrothers have for you all transcendent all the limits of time and space

And you even did not believe that theory of relativity is just so helpless to measure acumen of the act of BongBrothers.

In the light of the assignments this month they are doing this just for you all....

13th Aug - Literature review, Brand Management (10 Pages)
15th Aug - Economics Assignment (10 + 10 pages + Presentation)
18th Aug - Micro + Macro Economics Test
20th Aug - Final Internship Report (Pages Undefined)
29th Aug - Consumer Behavior Assignment (Again Pages Undefined)










As per Mathew Sir - This "Sadhana" is the most well kept secrets by all the holy text of all kind of religion and civilization. Traces had been found where this was used by students of the olden times to overcome the pressure borne by the entire student community when they were stressed out because of assignments.

Finally History repeats itself

P.S. - Did you observe that one of the BongBro is wearing his t-shirt the other way round. This is an important thing to get all of it right (example of a well done research)

P.P.S. - {Nothing to be said here}

P.P.P.S - BongBrothers were not allowed to speak during this ritual (and even after that), so we have no idea what to call this. Kindly suggest.

1 comment:

Vish said...

its called lukhagairi...uselessness....and atentin seeking boys:P